DDF Smoking Gun X LPR Nexus

These kids will be Smoke's FIRST kids to hit the ground, and if that's not exciting, I don't know what is. Better yet, they will be out of first-time mom Nexus, who is the perfect match for Smoke. Being only 6 months old when he paired off with Nexus, Smoke is just starting to show his potential. He's proven to have a growth rate (post weaning) that surpasses any other goat to set foot on this farm. With his ADG and Nexus' flesh and substance, resulting kids will be at the top of their game. I'm very excited to see what's to come, due 12/29/2024. 




FPR Hawthorn's Saffron X MEWF Moxi

Moxi is my only breeding aged non-kiko doe, and you'd better bet she keeps right up with my highest standards and expectations! Moxi had produced 9 jaw dropping kids in just 3 breedings, that's right, triplets every time. Moxi has been bred to a different buck every breeding, but her kids are consistently some of my best gainers and mature to be big, meaty goats with all the same traits you'd expect from a kiko.  Last year, two of her triplets were spotted even though she was bred to a solid buck. I'm always excited to see what she produces, especially for 2025, being paired up with Saffron. Doelings from this pairing will be eligible for 50% registration w/NKR, and bucklings may make nice commercial herd sires. Hoping for New Year's Day kiddos. 



FPR Hawthorn's Saffron OR ZVA Brass Tacks X HTFL Dawn

Typically, you use your best buck to improve on a doe's shortcomings. In this case though, Dawn will be the one making improvements no matter who she's bred to. This doe has size, bulk, length, maintains condition while feeding top gaining kids, has impeccable udder and teat structure, rock solid feet, and an easy-going temperament. This remarkable girl will improve on ANY buck she's paired with, which has already been proven thrice. It was my intention to repeat last year's breeding because the resulting doeling was stellar. However, it turns out Brass Tacks is a VERY motivated breeder and jumped out of his pen, traveled 1/2 mile down off the hill, and jumped into the pen with Saffron and his girls. These kids will have to be DNA'd, but will be eligible for registration with NKR as Purebred either way. Dawn's 2022 doeling (Red Alder) will be proving herself this year, giving Lampa Creek Kikos 3 generations of these genetics! 





FPR Hawthorn's Saffron OR ZVA Brass Tacks X DDF Starstruck

If size is important is what you're after, that's just the start of what Starla has to offer. As a first freshener, her kids will be one of my most anticipated of the season. Starla's yearling weight was 24 lbs heavier than the next biggest doeling in her kidding group, which is no surprise because her dam consistently produced the #1 gaining kids for her breeder for 9 solid years. Starla is not an anomaly, it's in her genes! Her kids will be outstanding despite the fact that I don't know who their sire will be. Originally, she was to be bred to Saffron but Brass was as, if not more, appealing to her so I guess I'll have to wait on DNA tests to know for sure. Due 1/4/2025, these kids will be eligible for registration w/NKR as Purebred. 




LPR Northwind X LCLL Lemon Chiffon

Northwind only got four girls for his first breeding season through no fault of his own, so I wanted to make it count. First timer Chiffon is a perfect match for him and vice versa. Chiffon is a dam raised triplet who's mom has a 300% kidding average.  She has a pleasing topline and wonderful length of rib to accommodate multiple healthy kids.  Northwind will compliment Chiffon beautifully with his broad chest, solid frame and rock hard hooves.  These kids will come out ready to climb in your lap if their temperament is anything like either mom or dad.  Due 1/4/25, they will be eligible for registration as Purebred w/NKR. 




LPR Northwind X HTFL Miss Bianca

Beautiful Bianca is my smallest doe at 110 lbs, but don't let that deter you. This little girl has had a FAMACHA score of 1 since the day she arrived, is healthy as a horse, has hooves that hold up to our soggy coastal weather like no other, and has the most endearing personality. As a FF, I decided to pair her with the bold and impressive Northwind.  I'm confident that combining his assets with hers will result in some no-nonsense, hassle-free, hearty kiko kids! These Kids will be coming early January and will be eligible for registration w/NKR as Purebred.




FPR Hawthorn's Saffron X LCLL Red Alder

Alder's dam is developing deep roots in the foundation of my purebred kiko herd. I have every reason to believe Alder will follow in her momma's footsteps and produce doelings that I simply won't be able to part with. These coming kids, sired by Saffron, are another of my most anticipated kids of the year. I have to remind myself that it's important to maintain genetic diversity in the herd, but this maternal line is unsurpassed, and just keeps proving to be stronger and more consistent with each generation.  They will be able to be registered w/NKR as Purebred. Coming Jan. 6th, 2025. 



FPR Hawthorn's Saffron X LPR Nautica

I know I say this a lot, but Naughty is another one of my favorites. Naughty is from Lookout Point Ranch and was born and raised with virtually no human intervention. She was a triplet born to a dam who was accidentally bred at 4 months old and gave birth at 9 months of age. Despite all that, Naughty has flourished and matured into a lovely, balanced, gentile natured young doe.  Saffron seemed like the natural choice for this first freshener, who's kids will be well-rounded and vigorous. Eligible for registration as Purebred and due to arrive 1/8/25. 




FPR Hawthorn's Saffron X LPR Nirvana

If this isn't a match made in heaven, I don't know what is! Nirvana is my dream goat who will be proving herself next season as a first freshener. Saffron is the perfect suiter for her, with his great track record producing fast growing and adaptable kids. Nirvana has some good statistics to back her up too, so this looks to be a no-lose love connection. These kids will be eligible for Purebred registration with NKR and should arrive just after the first of the year. 




ZVA Brass Tacks X LPR Gracie

Gracie is no spring chicken. She's been around the block a time or two and knows how to raise some outstanding kids! With her large stature (170 lbs) and Brass Tacks' balanced muscle mass, this is one of my most anticipated pairings of the season. These kids will be big, bulky and vigorous with solid feet, productive udders and top parasite resistance. I am expecting any bucklings out of this pairing to be worth watching as potential herd sires. Eligible for registration as PB w/NKR.  




LPR Northwind X LPR Friday (Chewy)

I absolutely love combining old and new genetics, and this is just one of those pairings. At 9 years old, Chewy is just starting to show her age and has truly proven herself to be productive, hearty and maternal, with a perfect udder after all these years. Chewy is not a big doe but she weans more than her weight in kids year after year, and there's nothing she'd rather do. Despite being retired from her previous breeder's program, Chewy will have the opportunity to continue to do what she loves while here on Lampa Creek. These kids should inherit plenty of size and frame from their sire, Northwind. They will be NKR eligible as PB and are expected on Jan. 20th. 




ZVA Brass Tacks X LCLL Black Friday

This breeding will be one of the few in 2025 to produce 100% NZ kids. I've struggled to find New Zealand stock that holds up to the unique challenges our Coastal climate presents. These two have passed the test and will be pairing up for February kids. Friday has held a special place in my heart from the day she was born, so you can understand how excited I am to cross her with my favorite buck. You guessed it, kids will be eligible for registration as 100% NZ w/NKR. 




ZVA Brass Tacks X BWP Hinto's Cricket





ZVA Brass Tacks X LPR Nepal





LPR Northwind X DDF Magically Dun





ZVA Brass Tacks X LCLL Two Step Tango





DDF Smoking Gun X DDF Caramilk Mousse





DDF Smoking Gun X LPR Novel





DDF Smoking Gun X MJI F0985 (Missouri)

I only retained 4 doelings from the '24 kidding season, and Missouri's girl is my very favorite kid of the season. Last season, senior doe Missouri gave me two perfect specimens when bred to ZVA Brass Tacks, a doeling and a buckling (who is going to have a herd of his own). Even at her age, she's producing well above the standard, so I'm excited to utilize her to prove Jr. herd sire DDF Smoking Gun. If anyone's going to give him a good chance of producing kids that will be an asset to the breed, it will be Missouri. Smoking Gun is going to bring a little more length and smoother transitions to this husky gal, and as hard as it is to imagine, we may even see improved ADG with this pairing than last. Kids will be eligible for registration as 100% NZ with both AKGA and NKR, and one doeling from each kidding out of this girl will be retained. 




ZVA Brass Tacks X LPR Kimono